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Sobre o Projeto - [PT]
Projeto desenvolvido para participar do desafio da comunidade do Layer Lemonade no discord.
A mistura de mundos proposta pelo desafio me chamou a atenção, e logo que comecei a pensar em como preparar uma peça para participar percebi que precisava propor algo diferente.
Totoro, por criação, já é um ser ilustrado. Essa é sua aparência comum, para tentar me distanciar e criar uma peça que chamasse a atenção, decidi brincar com um estilo hiper-realista em colagem. 
Comecei com uma montagem no Photoshop, e segui para animação e finalização no After Effects.

About the project - [EN]
Project developed to participate in the Layer Lemonade community challenge on discord.
The mix of worlds proposed by the challenge caught my attention, and as soon as I started thinking about how to prepare a piece to participate I realized that I needed to propose something different.
Totoro, by creation, is already an illustrated being. This is his common appearance, to try to distance myself and create a piece that catches the eye, I decided to play with a hyper-realistic collage style. 
I started with a montage in Photoshop, and moved on to animation and finishing in After Effects.
From a Koala to a Totoro

The character was created through a collage in Photoshop
The scenes also had an Initial setting in Photoshop

First step in After Effects: Totoro Rig
First Scene Adjustments
Final Scene Adjustments
The Impact Moment

Thanks for watching!

Illustration and Animation: Hale Mello

Check Out My Other Works

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